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Modern Bridge

Fastfixx Mobility Services Ltd

Carrying out work on behalf of local authorities in Scotland, and in partnership with Equipu since 2009. Fastfixx Mobility has been working throughout Glasgow, East Dunbarton, West Dunbarton, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and South Lanarkshire councils.


As a company we also pride ourselves on keeping up to date with developments within the aids for daily living sector, and utilise the latest technology in testing and inspection equipment, and constantly strive to reduce paperwork in partnership with our clients to deliver the highest and most modern levels of service at all times.


Our technicians have over 100 years experience of testing and inspecting of equipment between them, and as a locally based Glasgow company we pride ourselves on the fact that we have been at the forefront of delivering high levels of service within the Greater Glasgow area for such a sustained period of time, proving we have the skills, knowledge and experience to continue to deliver and innovate within the sector for many years to come.

What We Do

Our technicians attend clients’ homes on a daily basis throughout the year, undertaking PAT testing and visual inspection of all relevant items of equipment. This will include all relevant tests that are required and are relevant to the class 1 or class 2 piece of equipment that is required to be tested, an operational test will also be conducted, technicians will undertake multiple visits up to a maximum of three at no extra charge, signing off the job on 3rd visit and reporting this to the relevant client as requiring further action for access. the technicians will label all equipment and sign each test label as well as store and record all test data electronically which is then downloaded and held on central test data recording software.


Technicians also report any required repairs or recommended asset replacements direct to Equipu from site which ensures a speedy and responsive service for the client. We also supply a weekly template to Equipu detailing all works conducted for the previous week, along with all relevant paperwork, which is hand delivered each Friday.

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